Steps to Building Your Personal Brand

Personal Brand

According to a study by the Jobvite platform on recruitment methods , 55% of recruiters reconsider hiring based on the social profile of the candidate.

Therefore, we better understand the importance for everyone to know how to put themselves forward on the Internet.

For example, the personal traces of Jade Dominguez , a self-taught programmer, allowed him to be hired by a company, without having answered an ad!

How can you in turn develop your personal brand  ? This is where the concept of Personal Branding comes in . This method simply means applying the communication techniques that you would use for your brand, to yourself.

For this, a first part of strategic reflection is to be carried out, with

the choice of your objectives,

of an editorial line,

communication media,

keywords representing your position, your sector and your personality…

Then, a second part of operational implementation takes place with the creation of

your blog or personal site,

your social networks,

forums in the online press…

Finally, it will of course be necessary to update these media according to your professional development so that they retain all their freshness and interest.

In order to improve your visibility on the web, discover our infographic: 4 steps for a successful Personal Branding .

Work on yourself in order to situate yourself and project yourself, then set goals. It’s important to know who you are and what image you want to project before you start.

Ask yourself the quintessential existential question: who am I? Go back over your journey, your achievements, your mistakes… This work of introspection can help you better situate yourself and gain self-confidence by getting to know yourself better. Do not hesitate to ask those around you how they perceive you and to google you to better perceive the image you project.

Determine your ideal goal “What do I want? “Who am I talking to? » Customers, partners, employees, suppliers, investors, associates… It is necessary to address each target in a specific way to communicate effectively on the right media. For example, Linkedin could be a privileged medium to address your investors and Facebook to your customers.

Set medium and long term goals . This will give you a time horizon conducive to measuring the results achieved. To do this, create a kind of marketing plan that will allow you to cut out the different operational actions with the type of target to aim for over a given period. Are you looking for a job? Your goal may be to be contacted by recruiters via your personal site, Twitter or Linkedin. Are you a leader and looking to show off your expertise? Your goal may therefore be that the blog articles you publish are shared on social networks. Or to gain a certain number of Twitter followers.

Determine the media best suited to your position, your web culture and your visibility objectives. Highlight your success!

Put yourself forward with quality photos. The image you send back must agree with the image you want to convey.

Create your professional website or blog like This will also give you visibility, show your expertise and allow you, why not, to report to the media.

Define five keywords relating to your expertise and three keywords relating to your company/industry. Write your professional biography in the 1st person without neglecting your natural referencing strategyso that your target can find you on the SERPs. The guarantee not to put your audience to sleep? The storytelling! People like good stories. Romance your journey, state the reasons, the decisions, the events that brought you where you are today. Don’t dismiss your failures, show that you learned from them. Demonstrate your successes by relying on figures, concrete examples that show your competence. Adapt your speech, your tone, the events to each of the platforms on which you write

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